Junius F. Wells Award - 2006: Karl Ricks Anderson

Karl Ricks Anderson, affectionately known as Mr. Kirtland, was instrumental in acquiring many of the Kirtland properties now owned by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He has also written many articles and books associated with Church events in the Kirtland area.
Karl was born in 1937 in Salt Lake City, but raised in Ogden, Utah. He served as a missionary to the LDS Swiss-Austrian Mission. This was followed by bachelors and masters degrees in business administration from the University of Utah. Most of his professional career was spent in Michigan and Ohio working for Borg-Warner.
In Church service Karl has served as a stake president, a regional representative of the Twelve, a counselor in the Ohio Cleveland Mission presidency, and a family history advisor. He taught early morning seminary for fifteen years and institute for nearly twenty-five years. He currently serves as the stake patriarch of the Kirtland Ohio Stake of the Church.