Dymock, Gloucestershire, England
Just south of the Herefordshire area of England is the village of Dymock, Gloucestershire. Several individuals and events important in Latter-day Saint history trace back to Dymock. Thomas Kington, once superintendent of the United Brethren, lived there. His conversion to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints led to the conversion of many others. His generosity financed a number of important projects undertaken by the Church. The first parish hymnal of the Church of England was developed in the Dymock Parish Church (seen in the image above). William Pitt, later the leader of William Pitt’s Nauvoo Brass Band, was choirmaster in that church. William Pitt’s sister, Mary was a recipient of a marvelous priesthood blessing given at the hands of Brigham Young while he was in Dymock. Following a remarkable healing, Mary walked through the streets of Dymock proclaiming the truth of the restored gospel.

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Articles & Resources
James B. Allen, Ronald K. Esplin, David J. Whittaker, Men With a Mission: the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles in the British Isles, 1837-1841, 151, 250, 331-332
V. Ben Bloxham, James R. Moss, Larry C. Porter, eds., Truth Will Prevail, 142-144.
Richard L. Evans, A Century of Mormonism in Great Britain, 135, 175.