Gordon B. Hinckley Missionary Apartment, Preston, England
Early in his fulltime mission to England, young Elder Gordon B. Hinckley was quickly assigned to labor in Preston, Lancashire, England, a city of great significance in Lattery-day Saint history.

He and his companion lived in the apartment seen below. It is located close to the River Ribble and Avenham Park at 15 Wadham Road in Preston. While living here, a discouraged Elder Hinckley wrote a letter to his father, Bryant S. Hinckley. The letter raised the question that perhaps this mission was a waste of Elder Hinckley’s time and his father’s money. His father wrote back with the suggestion, “Forget yourself and go to work.” Shortly afterward, according to the story told in the Church-produced video biography of his life, Elder Hinckley had a moving experience.
During his daily study of the scriptures in his apartment, he read the New Testament verse found in Mark 8:35 and took it to heart. The feelings he then felt led him to kneel in prayer and recommit himself to the work. This experience became a turning point in his life. In the image of his flat seen above, the darker side at the left is 15 Wadham Road, the one Elder Hinckley lived in. The lighter colored unit on the right is number 13.
Map & Directions
What was once the missionary apartment of Gordon B. Hinckley is located at 15 Wadham Road, Preston, not far from Avenham Park. The gps coordinates are: 53°45’15.62″ N; 2°41’25.54″ W. This building is now privately owned; the occupants should not be disturbed. Please respect their privacy.
Ownership Status
The flat that was once the missionary apartment of Gordon B. Hinckley is a private residence. Please respect the privacy of and do not contact the occupants.
Articles & Resources
Sheri L. Dew, Go Forward With Faith: The Biography of Gordon B. Hinckley, 64.
LDS Church Educational System, Presidents of the Church, Religion 345 student manual, 262.
Richard Neitzel Holzapfel and William W. Slaughter, Prophets of the Latter Days, 206.