Hiram Page Grave, Excelsior Springs, MO
Born in Vermont in 1800, Hiram Page lived in New England and Canada before settling in Seneca County, New York. There he met the family of Peter Whitmer Sr. and his wife, Mary Mussleman Whitmer. Hiram eventually married their daughter, Catherine. This made him a brother-in-law to both David Whitmer and Oliver Cowdery, two of the Three Witnesses of the Book of Mormon. Hiram Page became one of the Eight Witnesses to the Book of Mormon. For a short while, Hiram Page claimed to be receiving revelations for the Church through a stone. This claim was concerning to Joseph Smith who subsequently received section 28 of the Doctrine and Covenants. This revelation eventually brought about the resolution to this little crisis.
Although Page and others in the Whitmer family eventually became disaffected from the Church, neither he nor any of the other witnesses ever denied their testimony of the Book of Mormon. In 1847 Hiram wrote that his mind was not so “treacherous” as to have forgotten what he saw. Moreover, he noted that it would be “treating the God of heaven with contempt“ to deny his testimony. Hiram Page died in 1852 and was buried on the farm owned by his wife, Catherine and his sons, John and Philander Page, in Ray County, Missouri.
The farm was later owned by others who learned the importance of Hiram Page from local historian Bill Curtis and the Missouri Mormon Frontier Foundation.

Map & Directions
This grave is found at an out-of-the-way site in western Ray County, Missouri. From highway 10 near the border of Clay and Ray Counties, turn north (left) on County Road Y or Prentiss Avenue. After about 1.3 miles, turn east (right) on 146th Street and follow it for about 1.4 miles. Where 146th Street intersects with Summit-Ridge Drive, turn right (east) and drive .3 miles to a home on the left (north). Just past that home is the grave. It is situated on the right (south) side of the road in the grass between the road and a fence. The gps coordinates are: 39°21’21.77″ N; 94°10’34.53″ W.
Ownership Status
The headstone of Hiram Page is situated on the side of a public road near Excelsior Springs, Missouri. Any who wish to stop and view it are welcome to do so.
Articles & Resources
Max H Parkin, in LaMar C. Berrett, ed., Sacred Places, Vol. 4, 271-272.
Dean C. Jessee. et al., The Joseph Smith Papers, “Histories,” Vol. 1, 614.
Richard L. Bushman, Joseph Smith: Rough Stone Rolling, 120-121.