Joseph Smith Homestead, Nauvoo, Illinois
When Joseph Smith and the Latter-day Saints first moved into the region now known as Nauvoo, Hancock County, Illinois (1839), it was mostly swampland with only a few standing homes and structures. One of those homes became the residence of the Prophet Joseph and his family. The family lived there until the last ten months of Joseph’s life. Known as the Joseph Smith Homestead, the dwelling at that time was only the log portion of the present complex, a 16X18 two-story house. The sided sections of the home were added later. Sickness was so prevalent in Nauvoo that, at times, Joseph and Emma gave up their room so that those who were seriously ill could use it.

For some of the time while Joseph was living there, the Homestead would have been the de facto Church headquarters since he had no office. Several sections of the Doctrine and Covenants were likely revealed here because this is where the Prophet was living at the time they were received (D&C 124, 125, 126).

The darker siding on the later additions was updated to white siding in 2007. It was felt that white would have been more historically accurate.

The graves of Joseph, Emma, and Hyrum Smith are situated in the Smith Family Cemetery immediately west of the Homestead.
Map & Directions
The Joseph Smith Homestead is located on the bank of the Mississippi River at the southwest corner of the intersection of Main and Water Streets in Nauvoo. The gps coordinates are: 40°32’25.68″ N; 91°23’31.30″ W.
Ownership Status
For more than a century, the Joseph Smith Homestead was owned and maintained by Community of Christ. On March 5, 2024 it was announced that the Joseph Smith Homestead was purchased from Community of Christ by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This historic announcement was made in a joint statement by both faiths. Included in the landmark agreement were the Kirtland Temple and other historic buildings, sites, documents and artifacts. Free public tours of the Nauvoo House under the stewardship of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints began on March 25, 2024.
Articles & Resources
Richard L. Bushman, Joseph Smith, Rough Stone Rolling, 385-386.
Keith W. Perkins and Donald Q. Cannon, in LaMar C. Berrett, ed., Sacred Places, Vol. 3, 128-130.
Glen M. Leonard, Nauvoo, a Place of Peace, a People of Promise, 659.