Perrysburg/South Dayton, NY
In October 1833, Joseph Smith and several others left Kirtland, Ohio to serve a brief mission in Canada. While they were en route, the party stayed at Perrysburg, NY at the home of Freeman Nickerson, a member of the group. On October 12, while staying there, the Prophet received a revelation, now section 100 of the Doctrine and Covenants. The section heading notes that this revelation was given to the Prophet Joseph Smith at Perrysburg, New York.

Several years later, however, Dayton Township was separated from Perrysburg Township. From that time on, the Nickerson home, including the nucleus of what was once the Perrysburg Branch of the Church, was located in the village of South Dayton, Dayton Township. On October 13, the day following that revelation, Joseph preached to a large group at the Nickerson home. That home, which is no longer extant, has been replaced by another house that was once owned by a family named Phillips.

Local historians have documented that fact, thus preserving the site where section 100 was received: The South Dayton News Vol. II, No. 1 (August 16, 1906) notes: “The great Mormon Prophet, Joseph Smith, came here occasionally and held services in a large house. . . .” That home was eventually purchased by Homer Wheelock. According to Ruth Bennett, Town of Dayton historian (2009), Wheelock subsequently took down the Nickerson home and built the one seen in the image above. The site was part of the Nickerson’s 228-acre farm in present-day South Dayton, Cattaraugus County. There is still a village of Perrysburg about ten miles NE of South Dayton.
Map & Directions
To get to South Dayton, take I-86 in western New York State. Just east of Jamestown and Falconer, go north on SR 62 to Kennedy. Continue on past Conewango and Leon. This is Fair Plains Road. Several miles north of Leon, turn west (left) on route 3 to South Dayton. The gps coordinates of the town square are: 42°21’40.63″ N; 79°02’56.78″ W.
Articles & Resources
Larry C. Porter, in LaMar C. Barrett, ed., Sacred Places, Vol. 2, 249-250.
Joseph Smith, History of the Church, Vol. 1, 419-421.
Joseph Fielding McConkie and Craig J. Ostler, Revelations of the Restoration, 722-728.
Garriet J. Dirkmaat, et al., The Joseph Smith Papers, Documents Series, Vol. 3, 320-325.